Tech Notes

Finding The ID Card Software That Is Right For You 

There are many types of ID card software available and each of them falls into one of three levels, entry-level, mid-level, and fully-featured. All levels of ID card software are capable of designing and printing ID cards, but some offer more features than others. If you are planning to buy an ID card software to use with your ID card...
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A Comparison Guide For Fargo XE Printers 

Fargo printers have been a global leader in developing secure ID card technologies for more than forty-five years. They offer a complete line of Fargo XE ID card printers with state-of-the-art printing options like the Fargo DTC1500XE printer and the Fargo HDP6600XE reverse transfer printer. These printers can be great options if you are planning to replace an old ID...
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What Is Magicard HoloKote? 

HoloKote is a feature available exclusively on Magicard printers. This feature allows the user to print transparent watermarks on ID cards using Magicard Rio Pro or Magicard Enduro printers without any extra costs. The watermark can be printed to the surface of the ID card during the printing process itself, thereby helping to add an extra layer of visible security...
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Data Storage Mechanisms In ID Cards 

ID cards are great ways to ensure security and access control and these cards carry critical visual identification information. The information should be placed on the cards and for privacy and security reasons, many businesses encode the data on their cards to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. There are different types of ID cards available to store...
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Types Of Holographic Cards That You Can Use To Improve ID Card Security 

Many people are looking to improve the security of their ID card program. Their rationale can range from being concerned that their ID cards can be faked or duplicated or wishing to have an extra coating of security on their ID cards for genuineness. This is where holographic ID cards come to play. Holographic ID cards offer an efficient way...
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Adding Holograms To ID Cards

Many businesses use ID card programs to ensure the security of their employees and to make management easy. In addition to implementing ID card programs, many organizations choose to augment their Id card programs by adding holograms to ID cards and badges. This can improve the security of ID card programs as cards and badges with holograms are difficult to...
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