Magicard Pronto Single-Sided Photo ID System
Feature-Rich Printing—On Demand
- Are you frustrated with the high cost per badge that you pay to ID printing companies?
- Are you fed up with the slow turnaround of the companies you deal with?
- Do you print cards one-at-a-time, low volume, but need a lot of features on your printer?
The Magicard Pronto is a feature-rich printer great for low-volume printing. Its powerful, fast print engine produces high-quality ID cards on demand.
Ideal for: Small businesses, membership clubs, schools, gyms.
Why you’ll love it: High quality printing at a low cost. Portable. HoloKote? watermark comes standard and adds visual security without the need for lamination.
Typical Applications: Student IDs, employee IDs, access control, payment cards, membership cards, loyalty cards, event badges, guest cards.
Magicard Pronto ID Printer
Take It Anywhere
The Pronto is compact, lightweight, and portable, so you can easily fit it on any office desk, customer service desk, or welcome desk. Use it to issue cards anywhere — travel to events, conferences, and exhibits, to badge delegates or create beautiful access cards.
Print on Demand - Instantly
With a single-card feeder, the Pronto is designed to deliver cards as you need them. And it’s fast—no need to make your customers or conference delegates wait. Expect full-color cards in 35 seconds and monochrome in 7 seconds.
Enjoy High-Quality Features
Don’t be fooled by its small size; the Pronto prints the same edge-to-edge, sharp images as its larger counterparts. Save money with its nifty rewrite feature: you can print, erase, and reuse the same cards, printing with either black or black ink. The Pronto also saves you money with its ability to write on CR79 cards in addition to standard C80 cards. Use adhesive CR79 cards as an overlay on more expensive cards, like proximity cards, and then only replace the adhesive overlay.
Add Visual Security for Free—With Magicard’s Exclusive Technology
Holokote is a patented technology that prints a secure watermark on every card, without using any special laminate or ribbon. This feature is usually only found on high-end printers, and comes standard on the Pronto. When paired with HoloPatch cards, one area of the watermark becomes a highly-visible gold security seal, giving your card outstanding visual security at a fraction of the usual cost.
Configure the Pronto According to your Needs
The Pronto can be factory-upgraded to support magnetic stripe, smart chip and contactless encoding. Factory upgrades must be ordered at time of sale.

Logitech C270 HD Webcam
Take High-Resolution Snapshots
The Logitech webcam features Logitech Fluid Crystal™ Technology—enabling it to capture crisp, clear photos that transfer effortlessly onto your photo ID badges. Simply plug it into your computer’s USB port and it is ready for use.
Color Ribbon and Cards
Everything you need to be up-and-running. Within minutes.
Want to start printing immediately? The system comes with a full-color YMCKO ribbon for printing 100 images, plus 100 Bodno PVC cards. So you have everything you need to get started, now.