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Tips To Design An ID Badge 

Tips To Design An ID Badge 

It doesn’t matter if your organization has 50 or 50,000 employees, designing an ID card requires some planning and forethought. You need professional-looking badges representing your brand and business. You may also wish to have a unique design with features that cannot be duplicated easily. To ensure badges that look as pretty as a picture, you may need to work with a graphic designer or your marketing team. Whether you are working with a designer or coming up with your ID card design, here are a few questions that you should ask yourself before designing the ID badges for your organization.


What Are The Details That Must Be Printed On The ID Cards? 

You can begin by creating a list of the details you wish to add on the ID cards. Your ID card design will be based on this list. Your ID card content may include your business logo, the contact information of your business, the name of the cardholder, photo of the cardholder, the signature of the cardholder, title of the cardholder, etc.


What Will The Photo Of The Cardholder Look like? 

It will be easy to verify larger ID card photos and these photos offer better resolution and higher quality. You may also have to consider the style and color of the background of the photos. Colored backgrounds can be an inexpensive and easy way to visually classify your employees, while white backgrounds can help the photo pop and will ensure an overall clean look for the card.


What Design Elements Should Be Included? 

Your ID card will be the reflection of the identity of your organization and should feature the primary colors and fonts of your company. Make certain that the font and font size selected are easily readable. Also, choosing solid color backgrounds will help make the information on the badge stand out.


What Will Be The Best Orientation? 

Depending on the arrangement, your business logo, barcode, photo of the cardholder, and other elements may fit better in a vertical or horizontal format. Longer texts and logos will look better on a horizontal orientation than a vertical one.


Will The ID Card Contain Security Features? 

If you wish to add data or security features like a barcode or a holographic seal, decide on the location of these features on the ID card so that the card design can accommodate these features. Moreover, this can help decide on the ID card printer that you need to buy to print the cards.