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How Much Does It Cost To Print An ID Card?

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How Much Does It Cost To Print An ID Card?

Card printers can be an expensive investment for any business and so it is important to invest wisely. While choosing an ID card printer, you will need to take into account many things and one of the most important considerations is the overall cost efficiency of the printer. The overall cost to print an ID card is an important factor that affects the cost efficiency of a printer and this is why you need to calculate the cost involved in printing an ID card using the printer.

Calculating The Cost To Print An ID Card 

There are no hard and fast rules to find out the overall costs per ID card. However, we will be able to arrive at an approximate figure by taking into account various costs that are easy to quantify. These are the costs of the ID card printer, PVC cards used for printing, printer ribbons, the number of ID cards printed per year, and the expected life of the printer.


To find out the generic cost per ID card, you need to take into account factors like the cost of the printer and the estimated volume of ID cards you will be printing. The next thing is to compute the ongoing costs by dividing the blank PVC card and printer ribbon costs by their respective yields. Then, the cost of the printed ID cards needs to be multiplied by the volume of ID cards that will be printed during the life of that printer. This figure must then be added to the printer’s cost. This sum should be divided by the total number of cards that will be printed by the ID card printer to find the cost to print an ID card. The sample computation shared below will help you to have a more clear idea about calculating the cost to print an ID card.

A Sample Computation 

Presupposing that the cost of printed cards is $0.40, the total number of ID cards printed is 40,000 cards and the printer cost is $1,500. Then, the cost to print an ID card equals the cost of printed cards ($0.40) x total number of cards printed (40,000) + printer price ($1,500) / total number of cards printed (40,000) = $0.44, which will be the total cost per card.


Note: The aforementioned formula and sample calculation are intended for illustration purposes. The overall cost per card of your printer will vary depending on the type of printer and the supplies you use. Moreover, printer life expectancy can also differ depending on the model you use and the overall care you give the printer.


Visit Bodno to find the perfect printer for your desired cost per card: Bodno Cost Per Card 


Browse our PVC cards to find the right kind for your printer: Bodno PVC Cards